Thursday, December 17, 2009
cookies 101
after reading every step of the receipe, very disappointed my cookies, didn't turn out the first time. pete had to wait a while and retry my dough!! o well. today was the best day eroff ever! i went with my brother and his maternal grandma. we went to eat @ a mexican restaurant, mall toyrus and best of cavenders. i saw the cutest pair of cowboy boots ever! a little bit above my budget, i have decided not to buy until later! they did have a pair of Justins~working boots just like what daddy wears the sales lady muttered. are you kiddin'? those are some serious toddler work boots. but o so darn cute!!! petie, santa will be bringing those to you for your o i got it, birthday!!! the kids have some awesome presents to receive from Santa!! i just feel really on cloud 10 b/c my brother and i had some bonding time, all of it was time spent thinking about my children! it was just a great day. i love you brad! you rock.i am so proud of you!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
5th grade Christmas party,i am not POLITICALLY CORRECT this holdiay
i passed a sign on an automotive shop yesterday and it went a lil something like this~~WE ARE NOT POLITICALLY INCORRECT~~WE SAY HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS~~i do not dare call it the "WINTER PARTY"i will be a lil rebelious right now. i am off to get supplies for mikey's christmas party on friday morning!! i am so excited. i have to make 3 dozen cookies and get some grapes and napkins and h20!! i am getting antsy to go shopping but i just have to be still and patient right now for the funds to get in the account!!! our family is gonna have a special christmas and that is it! we are gonna have presents and spending time w/ family, and the best gift of all, Jesus Christ was born. he was born and died to save us from our sins!! that in and of itself is the best present of all!!! i have spent some time going thru clothes and baby items. i have some maternity stuff as well. so i am going thru and half will go to the pregnancy help center and the other half i have decided to drive downtown houston and drop this stuff off to the star of hope mission!! i am so excited!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
keeping christ.
in christmas is what my moms group was about on monday @ the church. our theme is joy in motherhood. the speaker was our wonderful pastor's wife, Mrs. Jo Beth Young. whenever all the decorations are gone. whenever the christmas tree is all down, keep the joy is what i should say. keep the joy being a mother. i truly hope that i can do that. first it comes from the heart. then tonight i read blog about peace. this post was written for me to read and be remined of god's peace. i so truly feely rejuvinated by that post. she was explaining what peace meant. right now i just really feel like i need strength right now. for anyone who stops at this blog, please say a little prayer for me! thanks.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
giving thanks.
i am thankful for god that truly continues to bless our family. i am thankful for the health of children. i am thankful for our vehicles. our cars to get us to work. i am thankful for our home. i am thankful for our family that helps us with the kids @ the drop of a hat. our health.
Monday, November 16, 2009
all this past week, i have been on scheduled vacation. i have not been in pj's more times than not. i have not let my all of our laundry pile up. i have not just barely gotten by with dinner ideas. we certainly did not eat 99 cent coney dogs b/c i didn't feel like cooking yesterday. i certainly did not use the excuse that the top of my foot feels broken so i am just gonna lay here on the couch and watch TV. what is your NMM? link it to mckmama's site. this is therauputic!!!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
no more baseball
well that sums it up! we lost last night. 13-7. mikey got on base 2x and struck out once. dang fielding mistakes again! we had a great time though!! just relaxing some more with my vacation time. getting stuff done that i wanted/needed to. mikey has teacher luncheon tommorrow so i wil be there with soup and pasta salad in tow! what fun that will be! i am excited. friday is my meeting @ the school for the Christmas party. i will not Winter Party!!! hehe. which is ridiculous to begin with. o well at least they can have a party of some kind. this is mikey's last year @ elementary school and i WILL NOT MISS any part of it if i can help it!!! another thing, stellan he is progressing after his very risky procedure. stop by and drop a word of encouragement! mom is there alone with stellan. i am sure she could use every bit of her comments to lift her spirits!!!!o well. off to the store to get my stuff.
Monday, November 9, 2009
heaviest of hearts
over this weekend, i went to check on Gavin Owens. god bless his sweet family. i do not know this family personally, but their 2 year old just stole a huge piece of my heart. i keep finding myself going back several times over the past few days checking on him. my heart just is so sad for this family. i did a 5K walk in honor of Gavin over the summer with a family here in houston. getting back to our weekend however, we had a game on saturday and grandpa bobby and unca brad came. then we went to eat dinner! that was a huge treat. on sunday, loaded up the kids and went to church. afterwards, we played a game parents vs kids. just what the doc ordered for my spirits. there was so much laughter and just spending quality time with my boys! so so much fun!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
gavin owens.
you have come to my blog. great! please go to and say a prayer for their family as this little boy is loosing his battle with MITOCHONDRIAL DISEASE! his family needs to lifted to Lord today. my heart just aches for this child. in memory of Gavin. may you rest in peace little one.
play ball and vacation.
we have been cleaning and getting ready for our first game of the tournament today! enjoying the beautiful weather here just outside of houston texas. i just wanted to come on and say what a awesome week busy week this has been for me. god is so great to me and my family. i had a parent teacher conference w/ tristan's teacher this week. he is right on track academically, behavior is still a small challenge! his teacher is awesome! and mikey's conference was friday. that went well too. got some discouraging news and some wonderful news. out of all the kids in mikey's class, he is the only one who truly wholeheartedly asks the teacher if he can help do anything. he is on the safety patrol and doing well. he is also in a class called CML it's a math league, class. they are not graded however it is extremely dificult problem solving for math! he is doing ok. he didn't want to participate at all wednesday. so i am having to sit down w/ him and pound it in his brain about not quiting!! both of these kids are so smart! and i could not be any more proud of my children! i am out on vacation from this weekend til next monday! i am interviewing for a part time job @ toyrus on monday as well. go me.. here we come bills!!!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
pre AP classes, honor roll student
mikey brought home a report card w/ all A's and B's on it! i am so proud of him! he is in a special math class right now CML, if he continues through the whole year he will be rewarded and will also be able to go to AP classes in the sixth grade!! i am so proud!~!!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
game ball, safety patrol and a little boys heart
well first thing first. mikey had a great game tonight. lost by one meaasly point. 9-8. mikey got the game ball, 3 key outs on second base. 2 runs on the board never struck out, and he was last @ bat, he hung in there foul tippin the ball when he got a piece of it, not swinging @ the balls either! so good. then he tells me mom i am in safety patrol. coming from a kid that says that's too neirdy mom i am not gonna do that! i am such a proud mother to a terrific 11 year old boy! thank you jesus for this wonderful gift you have given me. a child that will open doors for elder ladies, mom w/ kids hanging off her purse, a boy that says mom, that was nice of you to take that lady home. it's hot outside. a brother who is the best big bother in the whole world. a brother who has BUBBA on the back of his cap b/c that is what his youngest brother calls him!!!! i am so proud of my son each and every day!
Friday, October 2, 2009
one more prayer request
there is a little girl, Elle. yeah, you saw her on my sidebar. please go and click on the link and lift her family up in prayer. she had heart surgery. and just as cute as she can be!!! she will be soon going to a step down unit. Elle belle i just had to share ya hon!!!!
19-2 and a moment of silence
raro!! baseball game thursday nite. we got our butts handed to us that nite. we won the first game....13-4 though. i am so proud of mikey. he played awesome @ 3rd base and catching!! the very last play of the nite, mikey caught the strike. so there was no error on that play! go mikey. mikey has the heart of being catcher. mikey will put himself out there to do what it takes to catch that ball. mikey hussles like tommorrow to get the ball back to the pitcher. well when he has a runner on 3rd, he will hunt them down and try and tag em'. the coach really picked up on that and mikey was gloatin'. we got home thursday nite, i said a prayer w/ mikey and incorporated our next baseball game in that prayer. he was silent off to sleep. meanwhile, i stood next to his bed, just watching him drift off. and tears came to my eyes because i was such a proud momma. he is really maturing now he will whole heartedly into his baseball business. mikey won tickets to the texans game. pete now thinks he is a football player/baseball player. i am going to see if we as a family can have a baseball prayer/moment of silence for those who don't believe. what do you think? please leave a comment and let me know if i should take it all the way to the coach for this. i am going to come up w/ a baseball prayer for every game!! also, please pray that my parent teacher conference for tristan goes ok on monday. the teacher just says that she is doing a conference w/ all the parents.
Friday, September 25, 2009
our life has just started and a quote from my 6yo
@ the baseball diamond this fall season!!! yippeee..go angels. mikey has his first game in the AM @ 9am sharp! my six year old and i were talking earlier he says mommy, god is a special guy! that's awesome to hear that come out of my chid's mouth!!!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
our tower fried
our tower fried over the weekend! so we are using a family member's tower for the time being. anyone who follows this blog i will not be posting as much until we can get a better tower with more memory. our comp is very sssssslllllllllllooooooowwwwwwwwwww at this time!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
a lot of this and a little bit of that
well, i guess i am a little late for the NMM this week. i have realized it has been so long since i posted anything on here if anyone should care to read. the kids are doing great. mikey and tristan will both start school on monday~the 24th. i am really excited about that. mikey will be starting baseball this fall. tristan i think is doing much better trying to out grow some of the social and behavioral issues. pete well he is potty trained. we advanced from 101 to like 110~ go petey, i am so very proud of all my children. i have all the paperwork ready for mikey to take to school on monday. i am wanting him to get an extra 30 min of recess. i have come to the conclusion that i give my job more attention than that of my son's tuesday folder during the school year. well i have vacation time for a reason. i am going to get more involved in mikey's school and it will stay that way. well tristan's too! for any take home projects, welcome desk, anything. i have signed up to do the JA volunteer as well. i want my son to have made a great impression in the lives of these teachers/staff when he leaves that campus. my son was labeled and held back in 2nd grade. he as stole the hearts of many teachers in those halls at his elementary school. tristan's teacher really liked him last year, he has excellant qualities and is extremel smart. i will miss her terribly. tristan's class aid from last year will be with his new teacher as well. i hope that tristan doesn't run over her like like a finely tuned lawn mower~for real. petey well, he's sporting it with his big boy underroos and independent as the day is long!
good night to all m children, may jesus be with~ as you are all tucked into bed by a very sleepy momma~~~i love you my sweet mikey tristan and petey! all of you are momma's heros and give me the strength to trek forward daily....i hope nothing but the best for mikey and tristan on their first day of school~
Sunday, August 9, 2009
way to end the weekend
tonight pete and i took lil pete to his first b-day party. well outside of the family's b-day. he had a blast at chuck e cheese's tonight. i am going to post some pictures and get rid of some the old ones. i am so hapy to be on here. i am craving me some NM o darnit i forgot the abbreviations. off to bed i go! i am off monday and tuesday! go me i scored some vacation hours.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
this is my friday. i am sitting on 45 hours of vacation. i can not wait. i am so excited to spend the first day of summer with Mikey. i do not know what he will do, but we will find something to get into! maybe ice cream and go to the pool all day. i just can not wait!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
wall art.
i have a new picture frame. guess what it is? baseball no really it couldn't be. mikey had his team party last week. he got a really nice frame. in the frame is a great picture of mikey in the middle of a really hard swing. the award says "HARDEST SWINGING AWARD", presented to mikey. WHOA~from a kid who really loved the game, but struck out alot in the past seasons. i am so proud of my son. he is really becoming a little man. CONGRATS MIKEY
Monday, May 18, 2009
NMM, an undefeated team, can you say
CHAMPIONSHIP~~YEP~9-1 was the score on the blistering saturday. we are UNDEFEATED people. mikey had 1 strike out, 1 out and great base line hit saturday. go Twins....on to not me mondays. yep my weekly therapy. i did not allow mikey, who was sweaty after his game, go to a pool party immediately after the game. nope i take the kids home for a shower after every game and especially being sweaty. i did not eat out for almost meal over the weekend. nope i am the cook in our castle. i did not get to church late and then go on up to our Sunday school ready to go. i was not told OOPPSS~come back @ 9:30 next sunday ready to go. o and that i needed to probably get to church by 9:20 to get all the other hetherns off to class. nope that's other part of this mom being late. that wouldn't be me at all~~although i do need to touch on Dr young's study yesterday. boy i am hear to tell ya it hit me like a ton of bricks. he was teaching us in the book of 1 Peter. Chapter 5. Suffering, Grace and Glory. WHOA~we need to grow a christian like personality. i am on the highway to manifest this people. god puts us in the fournace. boy i am in the hot seat right now. we need to react in a good positive way. no in a negative. upon getting out of the fournace, we need to have a loving heart, humbled, not self centered. so this week, while feeling the heat, i am going to kneel to the earth and ask god to direct me and my heart mind and soul to create, to build a christian like personality. to respond in a better way to life's trials. ARE YOU? comment if you are. let's take a stand to try to more christ like.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
mikey won his last game in the tournement. go twins. he struck out once and got a hit. the ball was hit so hard that when the pitcher caught it, the glove almost fell off of his hand! go mikey. everything is going great. mikey has another game on saturday! i so hope we win that one. so we can rank first or second in the league~go twins.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
please stop by their blog and lift them up to the Lord today. Kayleigh is now resting with our sweet Jesus. o how my heart just physically aches for their family. she was never able to even come home to the crib or the nursery they had set up. their other kids really did not ever spend a whole lot of time with her due to her being so delicate. fly high on angel's wings Kayleigh. you will always be close in my heart and thoughts and prayers, beautiful sweet girl.
Monday, May 11, 2009
mother's day.
i had a great mother's day. i took mikey to the katy tiger's baseball game. he got a autographed ball by 3 of the players. saturday, i took him to the SBC Woodway campus. he got to play a little catch with lance burkman. saturday afternoon, he got a gorgeous base hit. got a another good hit, but out at first. BUT the score was 13 to zip~that in itself was awesome. then yesterday i got to go get my feet and eyebrows done. and food shopping all by myself. late yesterday afternoon, mikey mowed the backyard. he even watered a huge bit and tried to make it look all nice and pretty. the view from my kitchen window is wonderful~
Thursday, May 7, 2009
waterhose.a little boy.momma
what a way to end an awesome day yesterday. it first started out as playing catch with my youngest Pete. who literally sleeps with a glove and ball and most of the time a baseball cap. i am very serious BTW. so we were waitin' on dad to come home from work. well the catching kinda stopped. pete got bored. mom decides o my flowers are really dry. i will fill up my watering cans and pete can help. so after MANY trips to the outside faucet, i decided well, i will hook the water hose back up. it will be easier. save on my back.(mind you i am still in the same dress i wore to work~absorbed in the moment, i didn't take the time get out of work clothes) so we water some flowers. i pulled the hose in the front yard, while pete was helping. well, i one second pete had this look in his eyes like i am gonna get momma wet with this cool thing. he turns around and literally trying to get me wet with the water hose. little did he know, i got him wet. this went on for like after 15 minutes. after reading about Noah, i do believe last night was the best night i have ever had with Pete. hearing his little cackles, chasing him in around the yard in my dress, and watering flowers~love you petey pete. please go here and check out this little dude and his baby blues. my heart physically hearts for his mom and dad. SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT SHAKEN BABY SYNDROME~IT IS REAL.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
2nd base.
althought we lost, we still played a great game...mikey got a double. made an out @ home plate~ bummer., bad call on the ump. but of course there were other bad calls as well. oh well. still a great nail bitting game. the double elimination tourneys are starting on saturday @ 10AM. the best mother's day present would to be for mikey to make any base hits with no strike outs. mikey came to his daddy last night and said that he wanted to try out for catcher next year. those are where the bigger kids play. and the balls are thrown harder as well. so i am so hoping that mikey can try out for catcher and we buy up the gear this summer. he did so well. i am so proud. however, kids today can be so rude and ugly. there were boys in the dugout last night that i think said some ugly things to mikey. i wasn't happy about that. one of em', can't play 2nd base nor get contact with ball when he's at bat. mikey really got his feelings hurt. turned red. cried. didn't want to play. etc. bullies just need to stomped back in there place at times. oh well. there is prayer for those kiddos. GO TWINS~~
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
a momma's love note...
is tucked into mikey's game pants for tonight. i hope he reads it and has a cute lil grin on his face. it goes something like this:
mikey, i am so proud of you. you are doing wonderful. i hope you have a great game. i will see you tonight. love you momma. sweet i know. i try to be the best mom out there~
guess what...
last night, we played the team that ranks second in our division, MUSTANG division. we were loosing up until the 4th inning. 3-6, not too shabby. however, come the 4th inning. mikey up to bat, he walks, good eye son...up comes the next player. he advances, and the next player. you get the picture. mikey is out on 3rd base. at this point we are 6-6 TIED UP~the final player makes a good contact with the ball. at that very moment, my son, makes the winning point. GO NUMBER 5 YOU ROCK~LET'S GO TWINS, LETS GO~we play tonight against the Astros. this is the team that beat the undefeatable team. AND this is the last game. of course until we play our double elimination tourney~i am so excited for mikey. son, you have come around so well in your baseball career. i think i just might have a AAA ball player going to the major leagues. his little prayer the night before last, was about the game last night and for him to a get a homerun, which BTW has happened~did i ever mention he is one our power hitters? and he continued on in his sweet prayer for Lance Burkman, which we are attending a baseball clinic on saturday starring Lance mommy heart is just so very proud and just in awe.
Monday, May 4, 2009
not me monday...

Monday, April 27, 2009
baseball game, clothes and very sick babies
well we had a great weekend. mikey won his baseball game. 9-5 very very good game. mikey played 3rd base all 4 innings. it was just an awesome game~go twins. you guys rock. i had a very productive weekend. i went through all of the boys clothes this weekend. so no more laundry. i don't want to even think about filling the washer again. i went to bible study yesterday. i was some kinda soaked up with wonderful words yesterday. my spirit restored. my outlook very different. on the flip side, i come in this morning spend a couple of moments reading up on these babies that i follow. ( i know i can't help it) and my heart phsyically aches for these kiddos and their families. miss kayleigh..well that's enuf for me to start crying again. scrumpoius stellan..little gavin..this is just aweful. for all of you who are reading this, tonight and every night, say a precious sweet prayer for all these kids who are just so sick and rejoice in the Lord for those of you whose kids aren't in a hospital and healthy.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
6-5 the score
yep we won last. mikey put 2 out of the 6 points on ol' scoreboard. yippeeee. did i ever mention i am so proud of this child. i mean truly. he really has come a long way in into this whole baseball thing. he actually isn't striking out every time he goes up to bat. silently. i didn't know that he would be able to be one of our power hitters. i mean talk about a great hit. line drive center field, so fast the short stop couldn't catch it. almost a double. But the coach didn't want to chance an out. way to go first base coach. mikey was diagnosed with ADHD. he was on meds a while back. held back in the 3rd grade. now he's off the meds AB and very high C's on the report cards, his heart is at school and on the baseball diamond and helping others. i will go on to say that my child is pondering how he can help my grandma's neighbor who basically has no hair from cancer brain tumors and lies in a hospital bed and my 10 YO child is thinking about giving her 1/2 of his lawn mowing money. really. i. mean. that. he goes and mowes her yard. makes it look really pretty. her family doesn't have that expense to hire the lawn guy. tonights game score will come tommorrow! GO TWINS........
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
stellan matty matt and a legacy
please stop by these blogs. they are both on the left side of my blog. stellan is in surgery and our prayor warriors need to double~lol.
matty matt went home to be the King of Kings. stop by there place and drop of line of encouragement.
and for the finally~i went to MOPS last night @ Second Baptist Chrurch, west campus. it was tear filled i am tellin ya'. i realized last night that i have bad habits to break in the mothering hat that i wear. really i do~our guest speaker last night spoke about this. we can think of running a race..the mother race as i call it. we are proud, we have our baton flying high in the air, and we are just running along in our little worlds. our children are behind us watching us, learning, etc. and BAM~the baton is handed off to the oldest child. he's grown up. the younger years are gone. middle school comes and goes. then high school. before you know it, our oldest is off to college. they are still holding onto the baton. they have watched us all this time. the point i am trying to make is last night i learned not to take one second of our childrens youth for granted. always find the good in the bad and ugly. becasue what we are doing now, is all balled up in the baton that our children are going to take with him. that my friends, is the perfect analogy for these younger years. i want to pass my baton with nothing BUT my kids memories being awesome. i want them to sit back one day and say nothing but great things about my legacy. you see your legacy is what you leave behind. your relationships. that's what life is all about~what legacy will you leave behind?????????
Friday, April 17, 2009
well why baseball of course
ok ok. call me an addict. Mikey won his game last night. GO TWINS... 11-8 was the final score.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
sweet stellan
please please pray for this little boy. i know he's very popular and a lot of people have seen their site. a lot of people have been following his story since he was in utero. stellan~you have many prayer warriors out there sweet boy. hang in there..
Friday, April 10, 2009
and the score was...
8-9. the last inning nail biting..edge of your seat, mikey was up to bat. runner on second. mikey had only 1 strike, 0 balls. runner on second stole to third and BAM ump says it could have been a tie! mikey did wonderfully. he got a line drive hit right down the middle of that field, passing the short stop and into the outfield!~ they all played a beautiful game~~ go mikey i am so proud...
Thursday, April 9, 2009
potty training 101
pete went pee in the potty all by himself last night!!!!!!!!! go pete go!!! mikey has a game last night if it doesn't rain...GO TWINS..........
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
comments, mini van, one excited baseball mom
thanks to the lovely couple i have comments on my blog. i feel so special. i know that people stop by and probably want to leave a comment or so and now they can feel free to do so. doing the happy dance~yipppeee. ok so i get excited over little things. i am official a mini van driver. o how i love it! automatic doors that open with one button, space for the kids to move all around on trips or long rides, i have space for the groceries, ball bags chairs you name it fits. i have cup holder galore! thank you jesus for the blessings you have bestowed upon this Rubly family. we could not get where we going without you..
Friday, April 3, 2009
if you are stopping by, and know anything about how to add comments on this blog...please e-mail me! i don't know a thang as to how to add the comments. when i publish a post, i add, under post options, to allow comments. but then the link does not appear. please help if you know how to add em'.
yep 0 and 3
the score for mikey's team, the Twins. we had to forfeit our game. making it a scrimmage. we won though. o well. mikey won the game ball. he's been playing really well at 3rd base. he had some warm ups for catching on Saturday. his heart is really into it this season. which makes this momma proud~~i love you mikey and i am so very proud of you son..
Thursday, April 2, 2009
my heart
last night, as i lay on the couch this little boy and his precious family was really just weighing on my heart. this little boy Sage went to be with Jesus. his sweet smile has really just pulled me into his blog. i am praying not only this family, but many others. i truly see my children through different eyes now. i can not and will not take one slightest moment for granted with my boys. i have learned a tremendous amount of things in life through this blog land out there. when i think that i can not go on with life, when life's little bumps have pulled me down, it's not as bad as it could be. i have learned to rely on the ULTIMATE ONE. my God, MY JESUS for strength peace and comfort with these little families that are struggling through something i can not fathom. it is through these children, i have learned alot. i am very very thankful that i just clicked on their blogs and BAM learned to rely on God. i am learning my faith in God has truly gone through the roof. this is something that i am just learning about myself. i am just a newborn in my walk with the Lord. i was just recently baptised in just under a year ago. i am learning that God can do glorious things. i am learning that prayers, will do numerous things. i am learning that God has plans for each and every one of us. i want to know what plans he has in my life. i want to live for HIM. in doing this, HE is putting unexpected people in my life to learn from. for that i am very blessed. to Crystal and Spencer~~
i am truly sorry for your family. Sage has pulled at my heart strings. his smile is contagious. i am praying w/out ceasing for your family. STELLAN~~~LITTLE MAN~~i hope you have a blessed uneventful, restful day. i hope your heart will go in the direction it has to go. and all the beats conjoin perfectly, sweet baby boy. it is with a heavy heart, that i am praying again, not only for these two families but for all the ones i am following.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
march 9~~MOPS meeting
here lately, i have been praying really hard for myself and my mothering ability. i have been praying for God to give me soft eyes, easy words, loving hands and a heart that is warm. this has been done over and over..(they say to pray with perserverance) i am now @ that point to understand this in my walk with God. last night March 9, 2009, was my monthly MOPS meeting. God was encouraging me to go. so i went. little did i know, that this meeting was designed with bonny in mind. there was a guest speaker. Gena. Gena spoke about things to give to your children. G. I. F. T..she called it. it goes like this....
for those of you who are reading this post, god was speaking to me last night. in addition to my prayers for the above mentioned things, he allowed me to take a one baby step. one more step of me asking for same things every time. thank you Gena for giving me this GIFT that i can give my children along with soft eyes, easy words, loving hands and a warmed heart. God has blessed us in so many ways even in the trialing times we are enduring. i am exactly sure if i am making any sense in all of this..i just know that i am understanding prayer and how all of this works. i am just a tiny infant in my walk with God. i can't wait to see what lies ahead..the plan that Jesus has for me. my point is this morning, pray with perserverance. if you have something on your heart, pray for the same things over and over and God will listen! my relationship with my children has only gotten better. my mothering skills has over exceeded my expectations because of prayer~~~thank you Jesus for always being there and listening to me and my prayers for my children. i love you Jesus!
Monday, March 9, 2009
pete the birthday boy mom loves you so much little man
today is your birthday. you have turned the big 2~~i just wanted to let you know how much mommy loves you. ever since that very second i layed eyes on you in the Operating Room, you have brought so much joy and happiness in my life. you have brought so many smiles to mom's face. i just love you so much and everyday you just keep getting so big. you know last night, when we went horse back riding together, yeah we were in the same saddle and all..that very moment will be forever etched in my heart and mind...the wind was blowing slightly through your hair, you were being such a big boy, hanging onto the saddle horn, with your little body that trusted me in every inch of movement on our horse Brownie. that was such a very special moment for are the apple of my eye .i love you today forever and always Petey Pete.
Friday, March 6, 2009
sweet cody
Please Please click on the link and visit cody's site today. their family just lost a precious piece of their family. Cody passed in the arms of Jesus this morning. say a prayer for them and post a comment to let them know you are thinking about them! this little boy is just adorable! they need our prayers!
Monday, March 2, 2009
my and husband and i went horseback riding this weekend. and can we say SORE? we put pete on Brownie and he went for a ride! he sat up in the saddle and every once in a while he would pat brownie and pet him as well! too cute. YEAH! we also have aquired a new horse. not sure what how old, but she's very scrowny. so we have taken her under our wings. we also went to Pete and Mikey's first rodeo here in Katy~it was so much fun!! pete sat next to me in the bleachers watching the barrel racers, as soon as they were done, he would look right at me, throw his hands up and ask "momma, whr they go"~too cute and so innocent! mikey had a blast just taking everything in! he went to the carnival as well.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
mom's new prayer for my boys
this weekend, i have come up with a my new prayer that i say daily. it works, god has given me each of the following: it goes like this:
dear heavenly father,
i come to you with my children. god thank you so much for blessing me with each of these handsome boys. father, please give me kind eyes to look @ each of them. god give me gentle words..words that won't sting. please give me loving hands that will caress their booboo's and slick hair, and God just give me a warm heart that i may be the best mommy i can be! they are a precious gift from you and i love each of my boys with the very core of my being. in your holy mighty precious name i love you jesus AMEN~~~~~~
Friday, February 6, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
o how i wish...
that there was no such of a thing as premature births! all these sweet babies are being born so just brakes my heart. it's all over the blog land out there! God is in control and we will take care of those families...
Monday, January 26, 2009
baseball checklist
paid for ball check
got baseball bat bag check
bat check
cleats check
the cutest kid on the diamond double check~!! it's soon to be here~~baseball time!! back to the fields we go~
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
march for dimes
well i hope this widget works. i love this company and plan to walk again this year w/ team manna! if i win the lottery most of my proceeds would go to there!
Magdalena's blog
this lil one really is tugging at my heart this morning. what such a beautiful lil girl with parents that have a heart of gold. swing by her blog and let her parents know that you are praying for them! they need peace...her blog is listed on the left side bar..o love that won't let me go blog.
Monday, January 12, 2009
at 8PM on friday the 9th, i am looking at hubby's cell phone. there's a pic of a brown horse~~belated Christmas gift. his name is Brownie. i will be posting pics very soon. he's a line back dun quarter horse~truely amazing horse. the look in eyes just sparkles letting me know that there's some riding to do. this horse is well probably 2YO. not for sure at this point. Brownie is saddle broken..thank you jesus! i can't not wait to put saddle him and see what he's got. i know he's got some fire under those hooves! i know..too much of a horse for me is what i am thinking. maybe not!! he's got the sweet feed hay 2 acres and 3 stalls all by himself. next to his pasture...he's got horse friends. all 5. some studs and mares!! here's to you brownie! can't wait to see what your made of my studd muffin!
Friday, January 2, 2009
a mom, boy pandhandler=joy
as i driving back to work in my 10YO son in tow, i had seen a lady with a sign. i didn't have time to read it. i had some extra cash and my son had a extra taco from taco i pulled out 2 bucks to give this lady,
my son says "o mom, give her my taco" so we gave her everything.
as i driving i looked at Mikey, he looked at me and we both smiled. my eyes burned as the tears started coming. i looked back at Mikey with no words as i trying not to have him see the tears.
"mom i am so proud of myself" he says. i am so proud of him. he brings such joy happiness in my life. what a wonderful way to start the new year!
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